Holographic Kinetics


How Does Holographic Kinetics Work?

Our success is achieved by clearing trauma locked in events, thoughts, and emotions. Until trauma is cleared from adverse events in our lives, we are continually affected today and in the future.

Many therapies, while important, reach a point where they cannot continue, thus failing to get a successful result. Holographic Kinetics Therapy Technique then goes beyond the end point of other therapies and achieves a successful outcome.

Resisting a situation, or not allowing yourself to fully accept it, captures free-flowing universal energy, which will spiral inwards, becoming trapped and transformed into potential energy.

This potential energy then crystallises and aligns itself with platonic geometry to build the first form of matter, which can eventually become sickness.This energy will lock into the stress or weak point of
the body in the moment of trauma. Trapped energy is why some people can become emotionally explosive, as the energy swings from potential energy to explosive energy. Trapped energy can also eventually manifest as confusion, dysfunction, anti-social behaviour and all manner of other illnesses or disorders.

By accessing the dimension where the energy was first trapped, we can release it and therefore let go of the issue. This will stop negative patterns from repeating as the cycle has been completed.

All About Spirit

Spirit is often associated with ‘spirituality’, taking on a New Age or religious connotation – it is neither. 

Holographic Kinetics understands that all things in nature have a life force – known as a spirit.

When this life force has departed, we call it dead, but anything with a life force (spirit) is alive and can be communicated with. Aboriginal and other cultures worldwide have been aware of the significance it has in their lives for thousands of years. The mainstream approach often fails because it does not recognise and accept the importance of spirit in its treatments.

However, understanding the spirit is the key. Just as the soul (which is different from spirit) can be stuck in programs and beliefs of all life experiences, spirit can be stuck in a cycle of trauma from its past. Holographic Kinetic Therapy Technique is able to access man’s Spirit in order to clear its trauma.

Repeating Patterns

Within our society, within relationships and particularly in the prison system, we often hear the words:

"I don’t know why I keep doing the same things over and over.”

These people are stuck in dimensions of repeat cycles of time and this can be cleared, with results occurring in that session.

Some of the most violent men have had their life turned around in one session by accessing the cause of the violence at its juncture and enfolding space/time upon that dimension. This then stops the cycle of continuation into the future from occurring.

We have our First people in Aboriginal communities that are stuck in the cellular trauma of the stolen generation that has been passed down the genetic heredity line and is affecting present day. 

All cellular memory can be accessed with Holographic Kinetics no matter how far back in time that dimension was created. 

Only when that dimension has been enfolded upon itself, will it cease to be – usually cleared in one session.

Meet the Founder - Steve Richards

Steve Richards, the founder of Holographic Kinetics is a descendant of the first people here in Australia. He was awarded Certificate of Commendation by Suicide Prevention Australia. Steve was nominated for the Human Rights Medal award in 2005 and 2006. He was also nominated for Australian of the Year in 2007 as acknowledgement of the results for the outstanding achievements using Holographic Kinetics Therapy Technique.  

To learn more: www.holographickinetics.com


Nothing has to be the way it was. Are you ready for change? 

Aaron offers face to face sessions in the Hawkesbury region, NSW.

Contact Aaron Now